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Day In The Life Of An Image Consultant

Writer: Divvya K. AggarwalDivvya K. Aggarwal

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

I switched on my blinker to turn right to park outside this salon that I most certainly do not like. Yes, Image consultants are lazy too and we compromise (slightly) on certain situations. So it was one of those when it was 6 PM already and I was DONE with the idea of going to my favourite salon that was 15 minutes away after eight hours of continuous sessions and wanted to relax for a while. I went in and asked for a blow dry while I waited for the hair stylist to help me with the same I was answering all the DM’s on Ksenia Consultation’s Instagram. It is always such a beautiful feeling going through the experiences of all the clients and answer questions about what I do and how I do it.

In a short while, I was sitting in the chair with my damp hair being dried and kid you not, I really like the smell of freshly shampooed hair after an exhausting day. While I was going through the ingredients of the shampoo I heard a customer come in. Her name was Suman, I think, above the noise of the dryer but what I am sure of was that she was a beautiful woman. A woman in her early 30’s, she had long black wavy hair. Her skin was clear and healthy with a black rectangular frame decorating her face. Like any mother she held her cute little daughter close to her while the naughty one wanted to play with the water faucet. She was wearing a woollen black Kurti with a matching pair of slacks and a red sweater, she looked pleasant.

What took my attention was the kind of services she was asking for, she was asking for a keratin treatment. I almost screamed, “What? No?!” Her long, black and wavy hair did not need keratin treatment, for sure. I knew where she was coming from. She wanted her hair to look groomed and proper all day long. She wanted it to be effortless with the naughty one around, I can’t even imagine how hectic her schedule must be for her to demand such a harsh chemical treatment. I passed her a warm smile, which she politely returned. She sat next to me and I said, “You have beautiful hair.” Her jaw dropped with shock and she said,” I hate my hair, how unkempt they look and that’s why I am planning to get a keratin treatment done.” I nodded politely and said probably you just need a hair cut, “How so?” She asked. I asked the stylist to trim her hair so that it retained her beautiful waves and went with her rectangular frames (yes that’s a thing).

The haircut instantly brought life to her hair and she looked a lot younger. While she hugged me with glee, I was wondering how many people torture their mind, body, soul and pockets just because we are not looking close enough. Winding up my blow dry, she thanked me for helping her and asked me what I did to which I replied, “I am an image consultant, I build the best in people.”



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