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Download your FREE Transformation Kit by clicking the button below.

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A programme for all the ambitious people out there looking to transform themselves easily, quickly and within their budget.


Once every three months we'll give you the opportunity to select one topic which you need help in.

We'll together work on your challenges and help you with all the solution by customizing a 6 weeks long Bootcamp. Where you and ambitious people like you will together work upon their goals and

live a life we all have been dreaming for.


This is your opportunity to transform yourself IN & OUT and

become a success story you are born for.


The Secret To Success-

Become the master of your time & goals

If you have a dream to build something, achieve something and transform yourself.
This 6-week Do-Over Bootcamp is just for you.

In just 6 weeks learn how to master yourself in goal setting and achieve your hardest goals through the biggest time management strategies.


Venue: Google meets

Duration: 6 weeks (23rd sept to 4th Nov)

60 minutes of live training every week and question and answer session every alternative week for extra 30 minutes

Time: Every week between 12- 2PM


Something that’ll not make you want to miss out; the price of the programme is 1/10th of the ACTUAL price of the one on one programme.

This is for YOU, if you are


  • Someone who's confused about your next step everyday 

  • Who often feel overwhelmed and fight with distractions that stop you from doing even the bare minimum 

  • Someone who ends up wasting hours on scrolling social media which makes you feel unfulfilled

  • Someone one who spends time procrastinating and can only get work done at the last minute, a victim of urgency addiction

  • Resentful about how much time you have already wasted in life doing nothing worthwhile

  • Incapable of saying no to people and which leads to your success being on the back-burner

  • Can’t manage work and personal life

  • Procrastination and over thinking is your best friend

  • Want to achieve everything but don’t know HOW

  • Having relationship conflicts due to lack of management

  • Want a routine for healthy lifestyle but nothing works or you

  • Unhappy and regretting about the time you are wasting everyday

  • Zero productivity makes you hate your job

If you need to:


  • Cut out the bad habits that cost hours in the day for no reason

  • Make more time for the things that matter in life

  • Productivity tricks to have more time for yourself everyday 

  • How to hack productivity without feeling tired or overwhelmed

  • Be able to make time to Netflix & have fun with zero guilt 

  • Identify time-wasters and zap them before they drain the day away

  • Learn about the 3 concepts of self management to get rid of anxiety and perform better

  • Master the SMART goal setting framework and how to set achievable goals in all areas of personal and professional life easily

  • Create a realistic action plan to achieve your goals and to stay accountable.

  • How to use goal setting methods and tools to help achieve your goals.

  • Why most people never achieve their goals and how to avoid some common mistakes.

  • Step by step process that dramatically increases the chances for success.

  • Learn how to empower yourself by day to day tasks

Who will you become?

  • You’ll become the HERO of your life and create opportunities for yourself to finally welcome more success

  • Defeat limiting beliefs that you can't do something because of lack of time

  • Learn about the important theories of productivity and fight from all the difficult challenges life throws at you.

  • Create a realistic action plan to achieve your goals and to stay accountable.

  • Cut out the bad habits that cost hours in the day for no reason

  • Become the best version of yourself by being able to perform when you get opportunities and live a healthy lifestyle which helps you succeed in life everyday.

  • Become the most confident version of yourself by instilling self management skills

  • You will be able to complete every task before time while enjoying “me time” without guilt 

  • Become the most productive person in your life

  • Achieve all those dreams lying in your mind since years

  • Empower yourself and others by learning how to effectively set goals.

  • Become the most important person in everyone’s life by valuing your and other’s time.


What's stopping you to succeed in life?

  • The unhealthy comparison with everyone else doing better than you on social media

  • The urgent tasks that life slaps you with out of nowhere

  • Never ending family responsibilities 

  • Lack of knowledge about time and goals

  • Lack of resources to learn about time management from experts

Ms. Divya Aggarwal has fought from the biggest challenges life throws at her in the past, whether it’s having a huge loss in the starting of her business, difficulties in personal life and facing a unhealthy lifestyle which affected her health.


But, she was all set to fight from those challenges and tried hundreds of solutions which helps her find the perfect fit for herself. Those solutions not just helped her but motivate her to help you find the one which works perfectly with BIG  goals and IMPROVE current lifestyle.


Currently, Ms. Divya is running her house while doing all the household chores, a business which helps people live their dream life and happily working on her personal life while having all the leisure she needs in a day.

Ms. Divya Aggarwal won the Best Globally Certified Image Consultant 22 Award

and brings the best practical methods to improve your quality of life because she believes that life is a gift and it shouldn't be lived like you're living on rent.


Ksenia Consultation  has a dream to provide YOU a healthy lifestyle you need to live all your dreams. If she can do it all alone, YOU CAN DO IT TOO because we are here for you to guide you at every steps of the way. You will be guided with a step by step process and provided with feedback on your daily lifestyle.


Hear straight from our some success stories:


What tools do we use?

Our 90 Days Planner is made to provide you high productivity and maintaining work life balance. It also helps you with emotional intelligence. This is something you need and not a fancy, cute to-do list you just want.


Buy 2 Get 1 FREE


Your success result after 6 weeks:

(What will happen if you work upon your time management & goal setting)

  • Managing tasks, prioritizing yourself help you achieve your goals faster where setting goals helps you achieving your goals smoothly.

  • People will start valuing you, EVEN BETTER, YOU WILL VALUE YOURSELF MORE

  • You can easily balance your work life and personal life 

  • Goals also help align your focus and promote a sense of self-mastery. 


  • You can live a healthy lifestyle and become the best version of yourself

  • You’ll feel more fulfilled and self-confident

  • You can do more work in less time without feeling overwhelmed or burnout 

  • You’ll able to achieve your goals in less duration than expected and can happily live your dream life.

  • You’ll have control over your emotions and have happy relationships with people around you

  • You can earn more money and don’t have to worry about your future 

  • You’ll be able to tackle all challenges confidently


What you'll get:

  • 6 weeks of live training by Ms. Divya Aggarwal

  • 90 minutes session every week with 30 minutes of question and answer round

  • Master yourself in goal setting and time management

  • Get your personal transformation slide which will be with you for lifetime

  • Workbooks to practice effective time management and goal setting

  • Get a full backend support throughout 6 weeks 

  • An opportunity to learn from upcoming success stories experience 

  • Personal development feedback by Ms. Divya Aggarwal

  • “Certificate of Completion” signed personally by your mentor, Ms. Divya Aggarwal

  • After bootcamp offers

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